
5 Easy Beard Growth Hacks For Black Men



Nowadays, most black men want big, well-styled beards. However, a large number of them can’t get the beards we see models and actors sporting. Maybe our beards naturally don’t grow so much, or they can be patchy in places.

This often makes one look anything like how they envision, and it can force one to always be clean-shaven so that they at least look presentable.

However, growing one’s beard doesn’t have to be rocket science. In fact, it can be as simple as changing one’s habits. We have 5 easy beard growth hacks for black men that will surely help the man in need. Let’s take a look!

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5. Increase Your Testosterone

Men’s beards typically grow in response to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) along with testosterone (T). They are androgenic male hormones and affect the growth of body hair as well as facial hair.

Some men, though, might not have sufficient levels of DHT or T. Their bodies might even not be utilizing these hormones.

It’s crucial that such men find a natural way to increase their testosterone. The best methods to do this include sleeping longer, eating more carbs, performing explosive workouts with heavyweights, and taking multivitamin supplements.

Another thing that helps is reducing one’s stress levels. You can do this by working out frequently, socializing with people who are a positive influence on your life, meditation, or even just spending some alone time with a book or working on your hobby.

4. Get Beard Products

Beard oil isn’t as effective in growing one’s beard as many people might think. But beard balm and beard wax, on the other hand, work like a charm. They can’t just spur beard growth; they also make each hair fiber seem thicker.

When looking for beard wax or beard balm, one should be on the lookout two ingredients: castor oil and beeswax. Both of these ingredients have a thick consistency which increases the weight of the beard and instantly makes it look denser.

3. Sleep Longer

The amount of sleep you get directly affects your mood, your health, and your wellbeing. Basically, the more you sleep, the healthier you get (as long as you don’t overdo it by oversleeping).

Naturally, this applies to beard growth too. By sleeping enough hours, your testosterone levels will increase, your weight will lower and your sleep will become more restful.

This will reset your body clock and, as a result, your beard will have time to grow without much fuss.

This is the most natural way to spur beard growth, and it doesn’t cost a thing.

2. Exfoliate

One of the main reasons that beards don’t grow well is that they are blocked by dead skin cells. When blocked, they remain underneath the surface of the skin, and the result is that one’s skin looks patchy. Sometimes, one can even get acne.

Exfoliating is the easiest way to take care of this. Simply use a cleanser to wash your face, rinse it with warm water—this will open your pores—and apply the exfoliating product. Rub your face in concentric circles, then rinse with cold water. With time, your facial hair will grow more evenly.

1. Eat Well

A balanced diet is one of the best ways to help your beard grow faster. The bonus is that you’ll become healthier in the process. The only issue is that maintaining it is not easy; being disciplined is no walk in the park for something like this!

We recommend having several healthy snacks throughout the day. This should alleviate feelings of hunger and the temptation to snack on something unhealthy.

Also, it’s best to minimize the consumption of things like coffee and nicotine. They hinder beard growth, which is obviously what you don’t want. And drinking plenty of water throughout the day is a major plus.

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Photo credit: @pierretheartist


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