Thanks to athletes and celebrities we have been seeing a steady increase in black men who bleach their hair. While black women express their personality through their hair in every imaginable way, black men with bleached hair still get a double-take when sporting this look.
Some guys are on the fence with this one while others are wearing a variety of colors on their hair from blonde to blue and everything in between.
For some, black men with bleached hair, without the help of a professional, we have noticed that with excessive bleaching, their curls have suffered greatly and their hair looks and feels dry – which is definitely not the intended result.
Here are just a few best practices you should consider when you are bleaching your hair!
I know there are a ton of kitchen beauticians out there who will help you get the look but if you want the best look and healthy hair after you are done go to a professional.
Use a trusted stylist to help you get through the process.
2. Use a protein conditioner
Do not get the shampoo conditioner combo in one bottle from the drug store [step away from the Pert Plus]. That may have worked back in the day before you color-treated your hair, but now you have to make sure your hair is well-conditioned.
Get a protein-based conditioner to use in your hair after you shampoo. The protein will strengthen your strands and make sure your curls remain strong.
3. Use a sulfate-free shampoo
Sulfates dry out your hair and bleach can be very drying to your hair. You want to keep your hair as moisturized as possible especially if you plan to grow it out a bit. If you are confused about what shampoo to get, we have a list, so try one of these.
4. Moisturize your hair
If your hair feels dry moisturize it with a little water and conditioner in a spray bottle. If your wife or girlfriend is natural, chances are she will have a mix you can use as well. If not, get a spray bottle to add water to it, add some conditioner, spray and go!
You can even add a little oil for good measure, and by oil, we mean a pure oil like coconut oil, olive oil or an oil mix.
Bleached hair is maintenance so if you plan to do it, plan to make the sacrifice to care for it especially if you want your hair to look healthy.