
What To Know When Shopping For Leather Boots



When the average guy searches for a pair of leather boots, he often wants boots that will age beautifully and can survive downpours. However, most of these boots tend to cost hundreds of dollars. And it’s not just the price; there are plenty of things to look out for before you can make a purchasing decision.

For this reason, we have compiled a guide on the things you should look out for when shopping for leather boots. Just follow our steps, and you will be able to get the best leather boots for you. Let’s begin!

Leathers Are Different

There are actually plenty of differences between leathers. For instance, a boot that simply says “leather” is probably substandard. Instead, be on the lookout for something called “Full Grain Leather”. This is the type of leather you want; it ages extremely well, it is handsome, it offers ruggedness, and its quality is superior.

Contrarily, stay away from any boots labeled as “Bonded Leather”. Even though it sounds fancy, it’s anything but. These boots are made from a blend of shavings, dust, and leather bits. “Genuine” is decent if you’re looking for leather suede. However, these boots are not the best, especially on high-stress areas such as toes. Meanwhile, leather branded as “Top Grain” is superior to these other labels, and only “Full Grain Leather” outperforms it.

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Can You Resole Them?

Sometimes, you want a pair of boots that will last for decades, and that even your grandkids will be able to wear. If that’s your goal, you shouldn’t look at anything other than resoleable boots. These boots are typically more expensive than the average pair. However, it’s for a good reason: they are typically the highest-quality boots you can buy.

When you’re searching for these boots, ensure they are made with either the “Goodyear Welt” or the “Blate Welt”. The Goodyear Welt, in particular, is the oldest, most durable, and most labor-intensive way to make a shoe. A strip of rubber or leather is used. It runs along the whole length of the boot’s sole, then it’s lock-stitched to the upper, insole, and sole.

This makes the boots easier to resole, whether it’s by hand or using a machine. The extra layering also offers some water resistance, not to mention additional foot support.

Check The Grip

A significant number of boots that are marketed as being made for the outdoors actually aren’t. They have slick soles that have hardly any grip. If you’re looking for boots to wear indoors and on social events, these soles might be up your alley: they are dressy, flexible, and soft.

If you want something that you can go hiking in, though, you should get a studded rubber outsole. These soles have a decent grip, and they can easily handle wet surfaces. They also look versatile and sleek from the side. If looking formal isn’t an issue for you, feel free to get a Commando sole. These ones are chunky but tough and durable.

Check The Shank

Not many people take not of the shank, but this is one of the most important features in a good pair of leather boots. A shank is basically a strip of hard material that is placed between the layers in the middle of the foot and the sole. It helps to provide arch support, it gives the boot some stability and protects the foot from any puncture damage.

The shank also helps to increase a boot’s lifespan. A good, durable shank will slow the boot’s disintegration and might even prevent it completely. Shanks are usually made from steel. However, if you plan to travel a lot with them, you might want to consider shanks that are made from the more airport-friendly wood, leather or even fiberglass.

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