
These Are the New-Age Rules of Applying Cologne



Ah, the allure of a good mood-boosting signature scent. Isn’t it magical to enter a room, the smell of bergamot, sandalwood, or white musk announcing your arrival? Which, I’ll admit, can be challenging to achieve if you don’t know the basic rules of applying cologne so it can last all day – and linger long enough to woo your crush.

Well, if you find yourself applying cologne only for it to fade away right after you leave your house or practically have no idea how you should spritz your Villain EDP, below are the ten new-age rules on applying cologne correctly – based on tried and true techniques.

Wear What You Like

Like everything in life, wear the cologne you love and feel most confident. Never select a scent simply because your lady-magnet of an uncle thinks it’s what’s best for you. His personal aesthetic or taste might not match yours – so be authentically you!

That being said, there are again caveats for this. Like your clothes, you wouldn’t wear your tux to the gym. And conversely, you wouldn’t wear your gym shorts to an office meeting.

While it might so clear-cut, a mismatch in cologne choice can be, at times, noticeable in terms of what’s appropriate for a specific setting. Which leads us to the next rule…

Choose Cologne According to the Occasion & Setting

Just like different foods or genres of music, various fragrances can invoke different emotions in the people who smell them. Semi-oriental, tropical notes scream summertime, while deep, sensual woodsy notes exude hot chocolate by the firepit vibes.

And, for occasions where you want to make a statement, like at your 40th birthday party, bold scents with oud or tobacco would be a perfect choice. Subdued scent notes such as leather and patchouli are more suited for corporate and office settings.

Understanding the appropriate cologne for every occasion will help you choose the perfect fragrance to make an impact – it can also guide you in choosing your signature scent.

Stick to Applying Cologne Directly on Skin

Your skin acts as the perfect canvas for your favorite fragrance. For cologne to truly unravel in the most captivating way, it needs a proper medium as an anchor – enter the skin.

The lipophilic properties of your skin make it the ideal medium for perfume oils to attach to. Moreover, the warmth of the skin triggers the unraveling process, and the fragrance is free to truly express itself.

Harness the Power of Moisturizer

It’s a well-known fact in the fragrance universe that dry skin doesn’t favor scent. That’s because moisture is required for the scent to flourish.

For the most seamless scent-to-skin adhesion, you need to slap on a hydrating moisturizer, and your cologne will work its magic.
Therefore, next time you step out of the shower, lather on your favorite moisturizer or sunscreen, and then spritz that bottle of Dior Sauvage so you can smell really, really good all day long.

Dab – Don’t Rub

Espouse these three words and then use them when applying cologne all year long – dab, dab, dab.

While we’ve all fallen for the rubbing temptation at one point in time, rubbing cologne on gets rid of scent quicker than you can say Jack Robinson – no wonder Cate, the scent-loving receptionist, never compliments you.

It heats up your skin, producing natural enzymes that alter the course of your fragrance. So, dab and allow the scent to sink into your skin for an alluring all-day scent. Cate will definitely notice!

Focus on the Pulse Points

Photo credit: themanual

If you want your scent to last all day, you need to hit all the right spots – pulse points. This means choosing the areas of the body that are naturally warm and moist, like the sides of your neck, chest, wrists, elbows, and the back of the knees.

These areas act as natural diffusers, allowing others to truly enjoy your cologne. If not, the top notes fly away too quickly, leaving you with a heady, stiff, or lifeless scent.

And remember dab. Don’t rub.

Keep It Light

In the fragrance zeitgeist, less is more. You don’t need ten spritzes to smell like a champion. One or two sprays on each side of your neck and chest will do. Overdoing leads to ricking, making you appear inexperienced in the cologne department.

Don’t Be Afraid to Layer Scents

Channel your inner Chris Collins by layering fragrances. Spritz a few scent blotters with various oils and fragrances and smell them simultaneously to see if they effortlessly marry.

When you find the combination you love, try them on moisturized skin. Sometimes your skin oils can alter how a fragrance smells, so it’s always good to experiment before rocking it officially.

As a rule, spray the most potent fragrance first and then top it with a lighter option so that the first scent doesn’t overpower the second.

Pro Tip: Single note scents marry well with powdery musk fragrances, while big fragrances work seamlessly with single note woodsy or musky scents.

Go for the EDPs

Chances are you’ve seen one of these labels slapped on your favorite fragrance bottle –Eau de toilette (EDT), Eau de parfum (EDP), and Eau de cologne (EDC).

EDPs contain a high concentration of perfume oil (25%), making them stronger and longer-lasting. EDTs are often lighter and airier with 15% of oil. EDCs are more refreshing scents with the lowest fragrance oil percentage of 8%.

Apply on Your Clothes

Don’t just stick to applying cologne on your body – spray it all over your attire too. Clothing fabric holds in scents for a long time, even longer than your skin. That’s why that Christmas sweater still smells like your Creed Aventus, and your leather jacket smells like last week’s perfume.


I hope these simple tips will save you some dollars in the long run and ensure a scent-filled year. After all, cologne isn’t cheap and cheerful. Why waste it?



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