Sex & Relationships

How To Keep Your Sex Life Alive When Both of You Are Working From Home



Have you been keeping your sex life alive while working from home with your partner? They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, even if that absence means you are away from your partner a few hours a day.

When both of you are working from home, things can get a little tricky. Suddenly, you are in each other’s space from morning till dusk.

For some couples, at first, this was pretty cool. You probably used the closeness and time together to flirt more often during the day and to get a few extra looks and feels in whenever you wanted.

Then, the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months and now with each passing day, you have been feeling overwhelmed.

If this explains your situation, the good news is that you do not have to give up on your sex life just yet. You can actually use the time you and your spouse are working from home to get things hot between the sheets. If you are wondering how to do it, read on:

Ignore the Small Things

Sex starts way before you get undressed. You first have to get into the right mind frame if you are expecting mind-blowing sex.

Sadly, for most people, the things that kill their mojo are petty things like how loud their partner speaks on the phone or the fact that they left the dresser drawers open when getting dressed. Such things always escalate into big fights that end up blocking the chances of having good sex.

Starting today, teach yourself not to obsess over the petty things and instead focus on how great your partner is. It does not mean that you completely ignore their flaws but pick your battles.

What it means is that you should keep asking yourself: “Does this really matter too much that it should come in the way of great sex?” Most of the time, the answer is No.

Send sexy texts

Have you seen those viral TikTok videos where partners send each other sexy text messages in ‘public’ to capture their reaction? The reason these videos do well is that partners love sending them and if you are on the receiving end it can be pretty hot as well.

Watch this compilation:

Explore Your Fantasies

Don’t be afraid to explore your deepest darkest fantasies, well, as long as they are consensual and within reason. After being with the same person for years, sometimes sex can become a little monotonous. You do it in the same room, same bed, same position every night and sometimes you need a little more than banging it out in missionary.

If you have always fantasized about role-playing, why not have your partner dress up as whatever floats your boat. That could be a doctor or a nurse, complete with a stethoscope and all to take your temperature when your heart starts pounding from the tender touches you are getting.

Maybe a professor and student, or you find a boss dressed in a suit to be irresistible. The point is to get your partner to act out your fantasy with you and spice up your love life by exploring each other sexually.

You can also try out sex toys if your partner is open to it. Get on the internet and order for yourself that pair of handcuffs, a dildo, lube, and anything else that makes your knees weak.

Put Your Devices Down improve your sex life

Yes, put that phone or tablet down, and talk to your partner. Technology has changed how we live. There are many people who would rather spend time glued on their phones, checking social media posts, than getting intimate. Do not be a part of the statistics.

Switch off your devices and make it a point of spending time together. You will be surprised at how much playing a simple game of Scrabble can get you ready for some action. Do not let the fact that you are indoors most of the time stop you from discovering each other.


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