Health & Fitness

How To Become A Faster Runner



Running is one of the most effective ways of doing cardio. And with most gyms currently closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, running has become even more crucial for men who want to keep fit. For many guys, just going on a quick jog is more than enough.

However, some might want to make the most of their sprint and run as fast as possible. For these guys, it’s rewarding to figure out a way to increase their speed.

Maybe they just want to push their body to the limit, or perhaps they want to make the most of their workout. Either way, there are a few ways to help them run faster.

Run More Often

This is a no-brainer. If you want to run faster, you just have to run more often. Your body will find it easier to adapt, and pushing yourself to go faster will be easier.

Ideally, you should aim to run three or more times a week. You can even run all seven days, if your body is up to it. However, we recommend at least one day of rest so your muscles can recharge.

The intensity of each day’s run can also vary. While running the same distance at the same speed can get old fast, switching up the intensity can help you avoid getting bored; which should help you remain focused.

Proper Form

Just like lifting weights, maintaining proper form is essential when running. Just watch some videos of the world’s fastest athletes and pay close attention to their form.

They generally keep a tall, relaxed posture, swing their arms front and back, and hit the ground with the midfoot beneath their hip. Not all of them are like this, though; sprinters tend to lean forward.

If you’re not sure that you’re maintaining the right form, you can always get someone more experienced. They can look at your form and tell you if you need to make any adjustments.

Run Up A Hill

If you run outdoors, try to look for a hill. Then sprint up the hill and walk back down. Depending on your fitness level and the size and steepness of the hill, you can do up to 10 circuits.

Hill sprints are incredibly effective when it comes to developing speed while simultaneously increasing muscle strength. The next time you run on a flat surface, you’ll realize that you’ve grown faster and stronger, and you’ll be able to run for longer.

If you run at home on a treadmill, you can just adjust it so it feels like you’re running up a hill.

Work Out

To run fast, you need strong legs. And to strengthen your legs, simply running isn’t enough. You can perform an extra workout at home that will help you to run faster. You can do squats, lunges, push-ups, pullups and bodyweight rows.

Just perform 10 to 20 reps of each exercise, for 2 to 3 sets. You can also use the jump rope. This will improve your balance and coordination, and help improve your running form.

Working out like this will help to make you stronger overall instead of just isolating your leg muscles.

Get A Journal

A journal is one of the best items you can get to keep you motivated, accountable and on track with your goals. Use it to record the results of your workouts so you can see how much you improve over time.

If you constantly push yourself and make even small improvements each day, you will note that you’re becoming faster. If you don’t notice a change, you can just change your process and push yourself a little harder. With a journal, you’re more likely to reach your goals faster.


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