
Everything You Should Know About Shaving With A Safety Razor



Shaving with a safety razor still remains a staple for most men even though the art of shaving has come a long way especially in modern times.

As a matter of fact, despite the advent of electric razors, old-school safety razors are still in demand.

Some men, in fact, prefer them to modern alternatives. Safety razors mainly remained the same in the century since their inception. However, there’s really no need to. They are easy to use, dependable, and familiar.

If you’re considering using a safety razor, we have listed all the major things you should know about them. This way, you can tell if they are for you or not.

Use It The Right Way

When you’re new to safety razors, start by going slow. Maintain a 30 to 45-degree angle between your skin and the blade; don’t hold it perpendicular to your skin.

Try not to go against the grain of your hair. If your hair coils too much, it might be better to avoid using a safety razor entirely—knowing which direction to shave will be tough to discern.

You should also avoid pressing the razor too firmly against your skin. It has a sharp blade, and you might nick yourself or even get an annoying razor burn.

Shaving With A Safety Razor is Affordable

A safety razor is dirt cheap, especially if you compare it to a cartridge razor. On average, the average annual cost of owning the latter is $240.

Meanwhile, the average annual cost of a double edge safety razor is barely $30. That’s over $200 in savings, which translates to around 8 pack refills if you have a cartridge razor.

The savings are insane. Provided you know how to use a safety razor, you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank; $200 might not seem like a lot, but it adds up.

Technically, You Can Shave Your Head With It

But we don’t recommend it. Shaving your chin, for instance, is tricky and needs your full concentration. It has sharp angles and different contours like dimples.

These make it easy to cut yourself if you’re not careful. So, this makes a safety razor a tad more challenging to use than a cartridge razor.

Now, imagine that difficulty but for the rest of your head. Technically, shaving your head with a safety razor is possible. But it will be laborious, slow-going, and just not worth the effort.

Handles Acne Easier

Acne is mainly caused by the buildup of dirt and oil in your skin’s pores. Living with it is not easy for most guys, so it’s always nice to find a way to reduce its occurrence.

If you currently use a cartridge razor, you’re not doing yourself any favors. It has up to 5 blades that are moving on your skin. They will start to fill your freshly-shaved face with your body’s natural oils. In turn, this will increase your rate of acne flareups.

However, if you use a safety razor, you’ll rarely go over your face more than 3 times. Through this, you’re minimizing the number of times that your pores are being messed with. Safety razors also carry fewer bacteria than cartridge razors, since their blades don’t have any clogging.

Get A Custom Shaving Cream

You can use generic canned shaving cream, but it might not be the best option for you. Instead, we recommend getting your hands on a custom shaving cream.

It will allow you to get the closest and best shave. This way, you’ll be able to find the one that best suits your skin. Just try getting a new type of shaving cream whenever your current one ends. You will eventually find one that perfectly fits your taste.


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